Part Eight. Dissonances of the Mind

Part Eight

Dissonances of the Mind

The Physics of Mental Disorders


In psychotherapy and psychiatry, mental illness diagnostics is limited to the description of symptoms and has nothing to do with assessing the state of the organ that performs the mental functions. In other branches of medicine, any diagnosis aims to answer the question about the physical disturbance of the internal technology of the body. But the Mind remains outside of this correct approach. As a result, all systemic mental pathologies are currently incurable. This absurd situation is due to the lack of a physically grounded theoretical model of the Mind. Without it, practical treatment of the disorders remains ‘wandering in the dark.’ How can we fix something if there is no understanding of what it is and how it works?

Within the Teleological Transduction Theory developed in the previous volumes of the series, harmony of the Mind is a physical concept of normal functioning. Respectively, when the pathologies are described as dissonances, it is not a metaphor but a reference to the physical malfunction leading to the disintegration of the Mind. The book proposes a new approach to the diagnosis and classification of mental pathologies, based on an assessment of the state of the physical mechanism of the Mind and violations of the technological algorithm of the brain. The goal is to create the concept as a universal tool that can be used in various pathologies. The book offers a model of systemic pathologies such as autism and schizophrenia, which reveals the essence of the physical problem that causes the observed symptoms. This could be the beginning of a project that will overcome the current chaotic state of the field of psychopathology and harmonize our diagnosis and treatment of mental illness as disorders of the brain.

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